Fighting Homelessness

Oregon is facing a homelessness crisis with no solution in sight. Statewide, over 14,000 people are homeless on a given night, and in Portland, the amount of people living unsheltered has increased 50% since January 2019. Cities, towns, and communities are all affected by this crisis; the proximity to homeless encampments raises safety concerns for families and businesses. The drug crisis has impacted the homeless population the most. Drugs are pouring in from our southern border. We must secure the border to stop the influx of crime and drugs. Additionally, we can solve the homelessness crisis by offering safe alternatives to get people off the streets.
Restoring Our Economy

The Radical Left’s policies have turned our economy into shambles and pushed inflation to record breaking numbers. The American people, especially families, are struggling daily to purchase basic necessities and pay bills while prices continue to surge. With inflation hitting a 40 year high, it has gotten progressively harder to financially get by. This is why we must stand up against the Left’s agenda with Conservative leadership to get our economy back on track and make our country affordable again.
Parental Choice in Oregon Schools

Oregon Children were stripped of their right to a quality education because of unconstitutional mandates and harmful school closures. Now, when Oregon kids are struggling to catch up, schools are forcing divisive and politically charged issues into the classroom. As a mom of twin girls, I firmly believe Oregon Parents deserve a say in what their children are taught, which is why I will support a Parental Bill of Rights that ensures transparency for school curriculums and protects the rights of parents.
Low Taxes, Balanced Budgets.

As a Mayor, I always had a balanced budget and I kept our tax rates in Happy Valley one of the lowest in the state. Congress has spent our country into oblivion with record deficit spending. As your Congresswoman, I will always support lower taxes and reigning in spending that mortgages the next generation of Americans.
Keep Our Communities Safe

Oregon has a serious issue with violent crime. Over the past two years, we watched as politicians were more concerned with virtue signaling and political theater, instead of defending the safety and security of their constituents. The city of Portland has become a lawless place marked by riots, autonomous zones, and defunded police units. The radical left in Portland cut their police budget by $26 million, causing an increase of 800% in homicides within the city. As the former Mayor of Happy Valley, I know how important it is to keep our families safe. I have the deepest respect for our first responders. Firefighters, paramedics, military personnel, sheriffs, and local police that do their part to ensure we are protected. We must restore proper funding and resources to these brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities.
Champion Our Constitutional Rights

Our founding documents give us the right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment is our safeguard against tyranny in the United States. We have seen the left go after our right to protect ourselves time and time again. They politicize national tragedies to argue that law abiding citizens should have their guns confiscated. Law abiding gun owners have never been the problem. Violent crime is caused by criminals. The left doesn’t want to talk about cracking down on illegal drugs, gang violence, antifa, rioting, or looting. They want to ban you from protecting yourself and your family. They want to redefine our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Washington, D.C. radicals believe in multiculturalism, moral relativism, and that socialism, “just hasn’t really been tried yet.” They want open borders, government-funded healthcare, and abortion on demand. I won’t stand for it. We must defend our rights.
Put America and Oregon First

Our leaders regularly promote policies that put another country’s interests over the interests of Americans. Our trade deals should benefit Made In America products and companies, not foreign governments who violate their own citizens’ human rights. Our American workers, farmers, and manufacturers should be our first consideration with any legislative agenda. Too often the needs of Americans come last in discussions about trade, energy, and free enterprise. I am devoted to ensuring that the American government is always working for its people.
Support Our Veterans and Armed Forces

More must be done to honor the sacrifices of the men and women in uniform and ensure they are given the resources they need after serving our country. The attacks by the Radical Left on our armed forces is counter to the very fiber of what makes us American. One of my proudest moments as Mayor was the completion of our Happy Valley Veterans Memorial, which memorializes the gratitude of those that defend our country.
Oppose Critical Race Theory

Our children are being taught to hate each other based on the color of their skin, under the guise of ‘equity’. Critical Race Theory teaches victim mindset – that minority students are automatically disadvantaged and that white students are intrinsically racist. These aren’t ideas limited to debate in higher education lecture halls. This theory is being used to indoctrinate students as young as elementary school in Oregon and around the country.
The reality is that the United States is the greatest country on Earth. It’s a land of opportunity for all. My grandmother knew that better than anyone. Her family left Mexico so that she could have a better life in this great country and her children and children’s children could live the American dream. Today, one of her descendants is running to be a representative in the United States Congress. Our students should be learning inspiring stories like my grandmother’s, not regressive ideologies that discourage achievements and divide. We must ban the teaching of critical race theory in our schools.
Please mail checks to Lori Chavez-DeRemer for Congress 13203 SE 172nd Ave Suite 166 #399 Happy Valley, OR 97086.
Paid for by Lori Chavez-DeRemer For Congress